Mi az az Útvonal feltérképezés?
Az ügyfélút érintkezési pontjai a legfontosabb interakciók, amikor az ügyfél kapcsolatba kerül a márkával. Ez történhet közvetlenül vagy közvetve. A kulcsfontosságú érintkezési pontokat a teljes ügyfélút során azonosíthatja.
A user journey map usually starts by adding customer actions into a timeline. Each sequence of events serves as a touchpoint. You can do this according to your buyer persona. It will help you get the most accurate results. Once your timeline is complete, you need to take into account user experience, feelings, and emotions through each stage of the journey.
Mi az az érintkezési pont?
Customer journey touchpoints are the key interactions when a customer comes in contact with your brand. It can happen either directly, or indirectly. You can identify key touchpoints throughout the entire customer journey.
Examples of these customer stages include seeing an advertisement on TV, reading a blog post, visiting a brick-and-mortar store, making a purchase, and receiving a thank you email.
Mi az útvonal feltérképezés célja?
Customer journey mapping provides valuable insights into clients’ entire experience. It helps you identify customer pain points, and get a deeper insight into your sales process.
Visualization of an average consumer journey helps you create a smooth and enjoyable path toward conversion. Understanding every touchpoint is vital to improving the customer experience in the age of ever-changing customer expectations. Moreover, it allows you to identify issues from the customers’ point of view.
On top of that, customer journey and experience mapping help your team see where there might be issues. It helps prevent a fragmented understanding of the problem and leads to a quicker resolution. Imagine you spot a trend of frequent cart abandonment. Rather than brainstorming what precisely the problem might be, you can focus on analyzing and improving the touchpoints leading up to the checkout. Maybe you didn’t offer enough payment methods. Or your checkout process is too confusing.

Hogyan készítsek útvonal térképet?
Different businesses will come up with various customer journey maps. A car dealership’s customers will have different touchpoints than a software developer’s clients. However, it is still possible to outline your customer experience maps by following a few general steps.
- Set the business goal you want to achieve
- Outline your buyer persona and identify their goals
- Select your target persona
- List all your customer touchpoints
- Define and set up all the channels customers can use to reach you
- Gather customer feedback
- Identify points of friction
- Create a customer journey map
- Take the customer journey
- Validate and refine your customer journey map
Features like website visitors tracking can help you create your journey map. Combined with other tools, you can get a holistic view of your customer’s lifecycle with its various touchpoints.
Hogyan segítheti ügyfélszolgálatát az útvonal feltérképezés?
Understanding your customers’ emotional highs and lows throughout their journey is essential for creating the best customer experience possible. Without gathering data about each customer touchpoint, improving your customer service relies on anecdotal evidence. Study the data available to improve your customer support and overall sales process.
Moreover, if you understand the feelings and motivations of your clients, you can improve the process of engagement by adding more personalized service. You will not only increase your conversion rate but also build long-term relationships with your customers.
Nézzünk meg egy példát!
Your customer is unable to find specific information on your website. It turns out the touchpoints were not properly defined. Thus, the customer experience is poor, and your support team receives customer inquiries regarding this issue. As a company, you want to avoid these unnecessary inquiries as much as possible. Creating a more thorough and accurate journey map will help your clients navigate the website better. Therefore, it lowers the number of tickets you receive regarding this issue.

You can reduce information-based queries by adding a self-service portal to your customer journey map. You can point your customers to easily accessible FAQs, helpful knowledge base articles, or community forums where they can find answers to their questions. Besides making customers feel empowered, it also significantly reduces the number of tickets the customer support team receives.
Hogyan segíthet az ügyfélszolgálati szoftver a vevői útvonalak feltérképezésében?
Although you may have a detailed and accurate customer journey map, it still may be difficult for clients to reach you. At this point, a customer service software solution comes in handy.
Help desk software like LiveAgent is a digital product that helps you keep up with all your customer interactions and provide the best customer service possible. Following are some examples of how it can help you with journey mapping and creating a seamless customer experience.
- Providing omnichannel support – Companies can guide customers through significant touchpoints more effectively when they can reach customer service via multiple channels.
- Gathering customer feedback – Customer service software like LiveAgent helps you collect, store, and study customer feedback like customer interviews, reviews, and customer surveys. All this data will help you improve your journey mapping.
- Generating reports and customer journey analytics – Help desk software solutions can generate robust reports for you to study to better understand customers’ journeys and various points of friction. On top of that, it can help you to spot trends and predict future behaviors.
- Building knowledge base – An extensive and accessible knowledge base is a must throughout many touchpoints in customers’ journeys. Customer service software solutions like LiveAgent offer a knowledge base builder that makes it easy to create and maintain a robust and helpful knowledge base.
- Tracking and measuring KPIs – To improve your journey mapping and customer support overall, you must have KPIs and other metrics covered. From user engagement to the first contact resolution metric, it plays a crucial role in the overall customer experience.
- Offering automation options – To avoid overwhelming your customer service team and sales reps with menial tasks, setting up automation rules is a great option. This way, staff can focus on guiding customers down the sales funnel and providing support without the distraction of small everyday tasks that are easy to automate.
Improve the entire customer journey with LiveAgent
Get the right tools for the job with LiveAgent and its amazing wide feature set that supports every important customer communication channel you need.
Watch a video about journey mapping
Journey mapping is a customer experience tool used to identify points in a customer’s journey that can be improved. It takes into consideration many factors, such as customer pain points and feedback. LiveAgent help desk software is a comprehensive customer service suite used by organizations to manage customer enquiries, support tickets and complaints effectively. This software enables team members to automate workflows and processes so that customers can quickly find solutions to their issues. Together, journey mapping and LiveAgent help desk software provide a powerful combination of customer-centric tools and analytics to help companies make the most of their customer relationships.

Miután megismerkedtél az útvonal feltérképezés alapjaival, érdemes tovább olvasni arról, hogy mi az útvonal feltérképezés célja. Ez segít megérteni, hogyan javíthatja az ügyfélélményt és növelheti az elégedettséget. Ha érdekel, hogyan készíts útvonal térképet, a következő cikk lépésről lépésre bemutatja a folyamatot, hogy könnyedén megvalósíthasd. Emellett hasznos lehet megtudni, hogyan segítheti ügyfélszolgálatát az útvonal feltérképezés, mivel ez javíthatja az ügyfelek támogatásának hatékonyságát. Végül, ha érdekel, hogyan segíthet az ügyfélszolgálati szoftver a vevői útvonalak feltérképezésében, ez az írás bemutatja, hogy milyen eszközökkel érheted el a legjobb eredményeket.
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