Az emlékeztető e-mailek növelik az elkötelezettséget és a konverziókat az e-mail marketingben. Sablonok segítenek megtalálni az egyensúlyt a kitartás és a személyre szabottság között, különböző eseményekhez alkalmazhatók.
A célközönsége megfelelő időben való elérése a megfelelő üzenettel kulcsfontosságú bármilyen email marketing kampány sikeréhez. Viszont a Mailchimp felmérés szerint, az átlagos email megnyitási ráta 21% körül van minden iparban. Ezért fontosak az emlékeztető emailek. Az időben elküldött emlékeztető emailek növelhetik az elkötelezettséget és meglökhetik az ügyfeleket bizonyos műveletek elvégzésére, amikor szükséges. Viszont ezeknek az emaileknek az elkészítése és a legjobb időben való elküldése kihívó lehet a kereskedőknek. Lent található egy pár emlékeztető email sablon különböző eseményekre, amelyeket adaptálhat a saját használatára.
Az emlékeztető email egy erőteljes eszköz a kereskedőknek, ami azt csinálja, amit mond – emlékezteti a címzettet valami fontos dologról, ami hamarosan bekövetkezik, valamiről, ami tőlük elvárt, vagy olyasmiről, aminek meg kellett volna történnie, de nem történt meg. Itt egy pár eset, ahol az emlékeztető email küldése előnyhöz juttathatja a vállalatát:
It looks like you haven’t signed into your [Product] account for a while. Just a friendly heads up that [Product] accounts are automatically deactivated after [number] days of inactivity.
We’d love for you to stick around. To keep your account open, please log in at least once by [date].
As a reminder, with [Product] you can:
[Use feature 1 – benefit 1]
[Use feature 2 – benefit 2]
[Use feature 3 – benefit 3]
In case you need a refresher course – check out our tour to get you up and running again.
If you have any questions or need any help, reply to this email or jump on a live chat with our customer care team. We’ve got your back!
Time flies! Can you believe that your [Product] trial is almost coming to an end?
You still have 3 days to get up to speed with all the awesome things you can do with [Product] like:
[Benefit 1 using feature 1]
[Benefit 2 using feature 2]
[Benefit 3 using feature 3]
If you’re ready, you can navigate to the Plans page to select a subscription that best suits your needs. Our plans start at [price], and you can change your plan at any time.
You’ll also get access to our rockstar customer support team who can guide you through any challenge and recommend best practices for getting the most value out of our [tool/ platform/ software].
Choose My Plan
Still evaluating and could use a hand before your trial is up? Let us know – we’re here to help!
Hope things are going well for you. This is just a quick reminder that invoice [invoice number] which we sent on [date] will be coming due on [invoice due date].
I’m sure you’re busy, but I’d appreciate it if you could take a moment and look over the invoice when you get a chance. I’m happy to answer any questions you might have. Thanks again for your business!
Our records show that we haven’t yet received a payment of [amount] for Invoice [ invoice number], which is overdue by one week. I would appreciate it if you could check this out on your end.
I know that life can get busy, and details can be missed. I’ve attached a copy of the invoice to this email, in case the original was lost or deleted.
If the payment has already been sent, please disregard this notice. If you have any questions whatsoever, please reply and I’d be happy to answer them.
We wanted to give you a heads up. The payment information you have on file for your [Product] subscription (card ending with ****) is going to expire in a few days. Unfortunately, if we don’t have a valid card, we will have to cancel your subscription when this payment cycle ends.
If you’ve got 30 seconds, would you mind updating your payment information?
Update Now
Let us know if there’s anything we can do to help.
Thanks so much!
We just tried to charge your credit card for your subscription renewal at [Product], however, it failed.
This typically happens due to a change in your credit card number, card expiration, card cancellation, or the bank not recognizing the payment and taking action to prevent it.
To ensure you don’t experience any interruption of your service, please update your credit card details, and we’ll give it another try. You should be able to do it in less than a minute by clicking here: [link to the update page].
If you have any questions, concerns, or issues, please visit our Help Center, call us at [number], or start a chat with our customer support team. We’re here to help!
As always, thanks for being a [Company] customer.
We just tried to process your [Product] subscription payment for the third time, but unfortunately, it failed again.
Please update your payment information and we’ll be happy to keep your account active. It’s a one-step process and shouldn’t take more than a minute.
Update Your Card Now
If the next charge fails, your account will be canceled automatically. ☹
Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us anytime.
We are less than two weeks away from the [Event Name] event where we’ll be talking about how to [achieve specific goals] as well as the latest trends in [industry].
We wanted to remind you that [Event Name] ticket prices go up on [date]. Be sure to snag your ticket before the price increases. After [date] tickets will increase to [price], so don’t miss out!
Register Today
Some of our speakers:
[Speaker 1 – short bio]
[Speaker 2 – short bio]
[Speaker 3 – short bio]
Event schedule:
[Event schedule details]
You can find more information on our event page. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.
Hope to see you there!
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